Ayurveda believes in “Vyadhikshamatvam” (Body’s immunity power) to face any diseases. Vyadhikshmatva doesn’t happen overnight, it has to be built on a daily basis. One has to follow strict daily and seasonal regimens for a perfect immunity. Especially to cure respiratory disorders, preventive healthcare is more promising than relying on breathing aids and hospital visits.
Immunity is to be built from the childhood.Ayurvedic medicines increase the digestive power and improve absorption and assimilation. This helps in improving the metabolism, thereby builds immunity.
Not only in simple recurrent colds and coughs, but also in situations like Chronic Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Wheezing, Asthma and Stage I of Interstitial Lung Diseases, Ayurveda can give miraculous relief. This is possible because of easily absorbable organic Ayurvedic medicines and a meticulous diet pattern. Any treatment begins with cutting down the causative factors.